teflcourses1-1444059925Welcome to A Real English Language Story (ARELS). ARELS is a blog ran by a small group of individuals with a passion for TEFL, or teaching English as a foreign language for those still unfamiliar with the acronym. This blog was started as a means of sharing with others our advice, experiences, and some of the knowledge we’ve gathered along the way. Whether you’re new to the whole concept of teaching English as a foreign language or are already abroad with years of experience under your belt we’ve got you covered with our extensive archive of advice articles, resources, and first-hand accounts of what it’s like to teach English in many countries all over the world.

teflcourses2-1444059925The great thing about teaching English as a foreign language is it IS for everyone! The backpacker who wants to country hop every few months? He can TEFL. The student looking to see a bit of the world on their gap year? She can TEFL. The romantic who fell head over heels in love with a foreign land? He’s TEFLing too! In fact, with just a one hundred and twenty hour TEFL course, you too can qualify to teach English as a foreign language, whether at the language school just down the street from where you live or abroad in nearly any country you could imagine, the possibilities are endless.

Yet we were once in your position, and the information available and angles to consider can seem overwhelming to start off with, which is why we’ve founded ARELS.org.uk: to inform and educate those new to TEFL, as well as provide some first-hand experience we’ve picked up along the way.

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